Style Guide

Customizer Palette

  • primary Color:

    • #007DBA


    • #e0f4ff

      S: .1, L: .94

    • #034667

      S: .94, L: .21

  • secondary Color:

    • #339E77


    • #e0fff3

      S: .1, L: .94

    • #036743

      S: .94, L: .21

  • accent Color:

    • #F3D54E


    • #fff9e0

      S: .1, L: .94

    • #675503

      S: .94, L: .21

Primary Palette

  • #000

  • #fff

  • #033b66

  • #339e77

  • #3ab689

  • #1f784e

  • #f66a6a

  • #f8f9fa

  • #f4f4f4

  • #bebebe

  • #1e1e1e

  • #3e3e3e

  • #151515

  • #767676

  • #212121

  • #424d92

  • #6b48ff

  • #fff2b8

  • #3e3e3e


H1, Heading 1 {52}

H2, Heading 2 {44}

H3, Heading 3 {38}

H4, Heading 4 {32}

H5, Heading 5 {26}
H5, Heading 6 {22}


22pt, Acta Book, line 36 ( 1.5rem ). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Multa sunt dicta ab antiquis de contemnendis ac despiciendis rebus humanis; Hoc mihi cum tuo fratre convenit. Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud: Plus semper voluptatis? Haec quo modo conveniant, non sane intellego. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Multa sunt dicta ab antiquis de contemnendis ac despiciendis rebus humanis; Hoc mihi cum tuo fratre convenit. Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud: Plus semper voluptatis? Haec quo modo conveniant, non sane intellego.

This is an inline link text example and hover link example.



Checkbox Field Grouping
Radio Button Field Grouping


  • Morbi natoque habitasse
  • Magnis ullamcorper risus taciti
    • Justo metus turpis habitant nisl
    • Platea primis semper
  • Nibh id natoque elementum
  • They were the Cat and the Fox, but they were scarcely recognizable.
  • Fancy! the Cat had so long feigned blindness that she had become blind in reality; and the Fox, old, mangy, and with one side paralyzed, had not even his tail left.
  • That sneaking thief, having fallen into the most squalid misery, one fine day had found himself obliged to sell his beautiful tail to a traveling peddler, who bought it to drive away flies.
  • They were the Cat and the Fox, but they were scarcely recognizable.
  • Fancy! the Cat had so long feigned blindness that she had become blind in reality; and the Fox, old, mangy, and with one side paralyzed, had not even his tail left.
  • That sneaking thief, having fallen into the most squalid misery, one fine day had found himself obliged to sell his beautiful tail to a traveling peddler, who bought it to drive away flies.
  • They were the Cat and the Fox, but they were scarcely recognizable.
  • Fancy! the Cat had so long feigned blindness that she had become blind in reality; and the Fox, old, mangy, and with one side paralyzed, had not even his tail left.
  • That sneaking thief, having fallen into the most squalid misery, one fine day had found himself obliged to sell his beautiful tail to a traveling peddler, who bought it to drive away flies.
  1. Morbi natoque habitasse
  2. Magnis ullamcorper risus taciti
    1. Justo metus turpis habitant nisl
    2. Platea primis semper
  3. Nibh id natoque elementum
  1. “Oh, Pinocchio!” cried the Fox, “give a little in charity to two poor, infirm people.”
  2. “Infirm people,” repeated the Cat.
  3. “Begone, impostors!” answered the puppet. “You took me in once, but you will never catch me again.”
  4. “Believe me, Pinocchio, we are now poor and unfortunate indeed!”
  5. “If you are poor, you deserve it. Recollect the proverb: ‘Stolen money never fructifies.’ Begone, impostors!”


Egestas duis tincidunt cum
ID Item Purchase Date Price
Sum $15.55
1 Stick of gum 02/13/15 $0.19
2 Toothbrush 11/03/14 $2.37
3 Umbrella 05/12/17 $12.99